Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials: Applications to Hemp Concretes
Using plant material as raw materials for construction is a relatively recent and original topic of research. This book presents an overview of the current knowledge on the material properties and environmental impact of construction materials made from plant particles, which are renewable, recyclable and easily available. It focuses on particles and as well on fibers issued from hemp plant, as well as discussing hemp concretes. The book begins by setting the environmental, economic and social context of agro-concretes, before discussing the nature of plant-based aggregates and binders. The formulation, implementation and mechanical behavior of such building materials are the subject of the following chapters. The focus is then put upon the hygrothermal behavior and acoustical properties of hempcrete, followed by the use of plant-based concretes in structures. The book concludes with the study of life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the environmental characteristics of a banked hempcrete wall on a wooden skeleton.
Les bétons de granulats d'origine végétale Application au béton de chanvre
February 04, 2023
Ce livre est un des tout premiers "sinon le premier" exclusivement dédié au domaine des bétons de végétaux. Nous nous employons au fur et à mesure des chapitres de décrire l'intérêt de l'usage de tels matériaux, de décliner les nombreuses propriétés multiphysiques et enfin d'illustrer les modes de fabrication et de mise en oeuvre. Le livre se focalise principalement sur l'exemple du béton de chanvre.
Ce matériau est aujourd'hui très largement utilisé dans l'industrie de la maison individuelle. Le confort thermique, hygrothermique et acoustique est induit par la structure exceptionnelle du matériau dans le sens où elle associe porosité, légèreté et inertie. Le comportement mécanique n'est pas en reste, une grande ductilité et des propriétés loin des standards habituels sont précisées dans cet ouvrage. Par ailleurs, l'analyse de cycle de vie dont la plus grande partie du volume est d'origine végétale fait ressortir un bilan qui lui est très favorable.
Chapter 1. Design, Rheology and Casting of Self-Compacting Concretes 1 Sofiane AMZIANE, Christophe LANOS and Michel MOURET
May 28, 2023
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a relatively new building material. Nowadays, its use is progressively changing the method of concrete placement on building sites.
However, the successful use of SCC requires a good understanding of the behavior of this material, which is vastly different from traditional concrete. For this purpose, a lot of research has been conducted on this area all over the world since 10 years.
Intended for both practitioners and scientists, this book provides research results from the rheological behavior of fresh concrete to durability.